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Friday, November 18, 2011


hahahaha now that i got 1 day extra, i decided to spend it doing the alignment, roll the guard and all extra bit of rices that is irrelevant to lap times and have no use at all hahaha its just deep inside i am a ricers i like useless rices within certain limit

first thing first is the clearance, i lower the back to shift the weight distribution to the back more, and roll the rear guards... thx for the guard roller tom!

put the front apron back on

oh did i say i also paint the brake caliper red? it stops faster now hahahaha

jack the car down now and checking the clearance, i test drove it to the alignment place and it still rubs so i need to roll the guard further

rear fitment after mild guard rolling

the car sits pretty straight now compared to the initial setup when i bought it where it slanted towards the front (was: front lower, rear much higher)

thx to jorge for companying me at the Traction Tyres - Rowville

size comparison of my E30 with jorge 135i

never seen so many fresh AO50 before! hahahaha

i just realise i only measure the amount of lowering from each individual corner and not measuring between 2 corner... the car sits uneven atm hahahaha

alignment done

i made 4mm toe in at the back, -2.5 camber at the front, 0mm toe at the front.

now back home for further guard rolling... a visit from shaun senk9, jason unco and bong chee

so further guard rolling and hammering, please ignore the red awesome caliper

fitment after extra guard rolling, still scrub under hard cornering if i carry stuff at the back, but i will empty the car on the track anyway... so hope that will fix it

this are the 2 wall vents that i bought off bunnings for $4 each... i need to vent of abit of heat from the engine bay from the exhaust header side... so this will do...

the reason i got the $15 dented bonnet is that it will be my trackday bonnet... first i cleaned of all the old heat shield foam thing

i tempted to shave some weight of it by cutting as much bone structure as i can... so its grinding time!!! thank you to jason and shaun for the photos and bong (chee) for the help holding the bonnet while i am grinding, also thx for the lovely grinder tom

only manage to shave 1.5kg off the 13kg total weight of the bonnet... will shave more next time when i have more time to grind

now test fit the vent on, i decided to cut more to fit 2 vents instead of just 1... mega vent for mega ricer! how fitting

drilling and riveting

now spraying it all matt black

all done and ready for trackday!!!

top view and putting the wing back on... i mean what kind of rice i am without a gaint wing

pack in all the tools, jack, stands and pit stuff to the boot and close the garage...

TRACKDAY PREPARATION IS DONE... Thank you for all the exe-crew that has been helping me to complete this preparation and thank you for indra santoso from tekno tuner for answering all my questions whenever i am stuck at some stage while building the diff

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