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Monday, November 21, 2011

E30 MERAH Video of 2nd Winton Trackday

Ok finally had time to quickly cut just the PB lap... will take a while on the highlights video...
CURRENT PB 1:47s on 2nd trackday with the E30 at winton

my observation...
1. still abit messy, but alot more composed than my first trackday...
2. i think 1:46 is possible with faster driver...
3. the LSD allowing me to plant the power alot earlier and modulate the throttle easier...
4. the sweeper (big long double apex left hander), the car carrying alot more speed, and the extra modified angle on my rear spoiler stopped the car from 'bouncing' in the mid sweeper
5. at turn 4-5-6 (turn 1 is right after the S bend) the car is much more civil and i can stay on the power hence carrying more speed.
6. 4.1 final drive instead of 3.7 is more suited for a slower tight track like this... alot more much needed acceleration and sh0rt burst on the short available straight in between corners... i might have to change back to 3.7 if i start making more power...

Previous 1st Trackday 1:51s with the E30 at winton

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