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Saturday, September 17, 2011


the next day... i called up indra, and requested for the BBS RK2 to be readied and prepared that same day... i am not waiting any longer... lol...

hmmm the front abit too low... i will strip those ugly body kit and return to stock soon... maybe next year...

now... BBS RK 2, 18x8.5 and 18x10

18x10 hmmmmm

came with 2nd hand tyres... i will replace them in january when i am back in jakarta to the correct size... but now at least they are not stretched... 235 front and 275 rear..

hmmmm another issue, turned out that the rear fitment wont clear the suspension arm so i would have to settle with this mismatch setup for now and ordered spacers to be made...

the rear just need abit, but mind as well push them out as much as i can hahaha... and the front was tucked in too, so i put 25mm at the front and 10mm at the back...

Tekno Tuner made the hub centric spacer for me...

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