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Saturday, October 01, 2005

For one of my friend

For one of my friend

i got something to say for someone i care... my friend... my 'brother'... i dont need to mention the name... i just cant tell you directly as i know that you wouldnt listen...

is few extra dollars u earn worth losing a friend? i agree that a true friend will forgive you, but hurting them is not something you should've done in the first place... i dont mean to get involve in your problem, but if theres anything i can do or help, i'm here... i'm listening... money is not everything, and friendship should last forever... this might sounds gay to you... :P

its never a good thing to lie in the first place, whether its to your friend or only to someone u know few hours ago... and you live by reputation bro, please stop it... thats not worth it... i know ur a good guy deep inside. i couldnt direct this to you directly coz i know you would shut u ears and avoid me afterward... others been wondering whats seem to be your problem... shared it if you want, but i u dont want, do whatever makes u happier...

other thing is 'respect'... thats what we need... its not a privilege, but it something that u gotta earn... one of my best friend once told me - "...telling or saying bad things about others doesnt make you a better person..." - i hate to say this to you, but you HAVE to try to change, coz you're losing friends... its easy to make new friends, but to make them stay, you need a friendship...

i'm not judging you... i can't... coz i'm no better than you, but as a friend, as your friend, i HAVE TO tell you if you are going the wrong way... hope you get this message... coz i know you're often on friendster...


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