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Friday, August 29, 2008

My Winton Line

well.. qui asked me to draw my racing line for winton. so here is the line you requested qui.

- only brake where the star is... if you need to brake somewhere else, you are entering the corner too fast... remember slower entry = faster exit and vice versa

- this is not 100% accurate, but its from 15 latest line from racechrono, that i have sampled and overlayed together with correction here and there. so this is my ideal line that i have in mind, in practice will differ slightly depending on conditions i guess...

there is no such thing as the most correct line as every car and driver will differ slighty, but the basic is similar i guess.

detailed walkthrough:

  1. turn 1 i turn late to utilise the top speed from the short straight and brake hard. enter the corner slow and accelerate early.
  2. turn 2, no need to brake in my car, but if you have faster car you might need to tap the brake, i just ease off the throttle and maintain speed around the corner and accelerate as wide and as straight possible. use the whole track.
  3. turn 3 is double apec, so imagine big smooth circle instead of hugging the inside. hit the first apex, go abit out, and don't fight the car, and go back in to hit the second apex before shifting the weight and straighten up for the next right hand kink before turn 4
  4. turn 4, basic late apex turn. brake progressively, wait n turn late and enter with abit throttle on. not too much, but enough to keep the car balance. instead of going wide on the exit, try staying in the middle...
  5. turn 5, here is the corner where i sacrifice in order to get good exit on turn 6. i hug the inside on the exit of turn 5 in oder to enter wide and late for turn 6.
  6. turn 6, entry is almost identical with turn 4, only smaller circum, slower and tighter. the difference is on the exit when you should exit wide but straight... use the whole track again...
  7. turn 7 is tricky for me, i used to leave it till really late, and turn... but i realise that too late, i loose exit speed and cannot reach high top speed on the straight. and too early is bad coz i will run too wide and understeered off the track. the right timing after few try and error is the key. imagine a big 1/4 circle and start fainting before the entry. not too much coz you will be drifting (for RWD) and use the exit as wide as possible... it may look like a late apex turn but for me its kinda more towards early apex than late apex... i could be wrong but it works for me as i got 10kph more top speed out of this...
  8. turn 8, i maximise the use of the straight and the top speed, so turn really late, and brake progressively, follow by trail braking, and use the INTIRE track.... until the outside extension bit... but remember to go back in coz the ripple strip on the outside is very bad for you LOL... imagine a big circle to connect turn 8 and 9....
  9. turn 9, if you turn correctly and connect it properly, your weight shifting should be already correct for this corner and all you need is just a little bit of tap on the brake if needed and just accelerate wide out of the corner... Smile
  10. turn 10, i brake just after 100m marker... brake hard and jump straight back to the throttle coz otherwise if i coast at that speed and that much G force, the rear will start lifting up and i will be going sideway.... not fun to do that in this part of the track as it got the most wall.... i climber the first left ripple strip entering the 'S' bend and the just straightforward exit as wide as possible to the short straight...

please feel free to express your opinion as i am still learning too, so any input would be good to improve my time.. Smile

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