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Sunday, January 18, 2009

the fun bits :) benefit of the constant rain...

the good thing was... i went out to play 'air soft gun' with my friends to area81... its kinda like paint ball but with BB gun... its very realistic and made out of metal... and it hurts even if you wear the vest... and on the way back... it started raining again... so i drove out from my complex and slide around the big round about near my house...

the bimmer is harder to slide compare to my dad's merc... first maybe coz its auto... i dunno what to do... second, the tyre psi was 32 all around, plus i think the viscous doesnt really work anymore coz i was one wheel spinner all the time... gave up after few round.

the next night, its raining again... so around 2am i went to this 'new area' :P where the road are wide and new.... i accidently met group of people who slide around too on the wet! which is very rare in indo... on the street too.... most of them are 35-45 with their old school datto, rolla, and some old bimmer... i dont have camera that night but i have their numbers and next time i'm meeting up with them again when its rainning.... and i will bring my cam...

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