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Thursday, June 30, 2011

SHIROSAME Facebook Page

i made a facebook page for Bimmo my E30... since its ended its life as a road car and being converted into full race car...

the project is called Shirosame (read: see-row-sa-mae. 白鮫) which mean a white shark... why white shark?

  1.  the nature of white shark, swims by moving its rear tail only, and the front fins are only being use to steer... which represent the love of rear wheel drive purist car 
  2.  it cannot swim backward... only can swim forward... this represent our spirit, and bravery to keep moving forward not matter what the problem or danger lies ahead. 
  3.  it will keep swimming to stay alive, even when it trapped on a net or coral, it will keep trying to move until it dies... this represent our persistence behind this project and team.
you can click on the image below to go to Shirosame facebook page or follow this link: http://www.facebook.com/Shirosame

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