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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Various maintenance along the year of 2010

AC Condensor Leaking
ordered the replacement one for $80USD and did temporary fix by welding it ($10USD)

Starter Motor died
hmmpppppfffhhh... yes i know the organs keep failing one after another, but it is an old work horse, i drove it everyday and in indonesia, the maintenance is not as bad as jap cars around the same pricing in terms of parts pricing. starter motor is $140USD installed. took them 1 hour to do. so its not that bad.

ok, i was driving normally and plug mobile phone charger and all off sudden window regulator, lights, AC went dead and the car keep stalling... i checked the fuse and its all normal. but then when i bring it to the outo electrician, he said that all my fuse are higher than permitted range (was meant to be 8A, 16A, and 25A... mine was 20A for 8A and 16A) so i replaced 6x16A fuse and 4x8A fuse. and the car went normal! Very Happy

the next day all off sudden when i indicate left or right, the cd player went dead and there is loud buzzing noise from the indicator relay... and one of the headlight is dead. so i went and check the fuse, they seem normal but old ones, so i changed it with the new spares i got the day before and everything went back normal... *sigh* man... i almost lost it...

Right lower control arm ball joint
recently while parking i can hear loud metal screeching noise everytime i turn the steering and i went to look underneath and the ball joint rubber seal is broken and the joint went dry... so its time to replace

at first they told me to buy the whole arm for $120USD

but then luckily i quickly search online and found that i can just replaced the ball joint insert if my car has that servicable arm. so i told the workshop guy to look underneath and he confirmed that i can just replaced the ball joint insert for $20USD... Very Happy

the broken ball joint

Leaking Exhaust pipe

replaced with new pipes

so good to see 3 W124 in one garage Very Happy make me so happy hahaha

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