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Saturday, January 09, 2010

AFM and the broken rubber boot

the car start idling funny.... so i prey open the AFM and fiddles with it... not that i know what i am doing but i do it by marking the original spot then move it to the right till it cannot idle and mark that as one end and turn it the other way until it idles smooth but cannot rev more than 2500rpm and mark it as the other end.... so the rough tune should be in between those 2 ends...

i know its not accurate but it works... hahaha
then just need to reseal the cover of the AFM PCB...

and the AFM rubber boot has leaks where it connects to the idle up causing the rough idle when the aircond on and stuck on traffic for hours... also it has alot of cracks where the clamps were...

so ordered a 2nd one from ebay for $40 and fix that right up... noticed that i used a electrical tape for temporary fix and it melts hahaha

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