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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

donor M111 heart for MERC W124 E220...

so the engine was gonna be rebuild but then they couldnt save the corroded head. they did tried, re weld and reshaped it but just made it worse and worse...

the car was back from the workshop only to find cappucino in my oil dipstick... the coolant still mixed into the oil...

so we decided to source the replacement engine and the wrecked car has finally arrived... Smile an M111.960 engine with 80,000km... clean and ran smooth... no sing of corrosion and it still run even when i went to pick it up with dad from the storage...

so now, this should get the merc back alive... Smile plus we got alot of spares now: gearbox, alternator, clutch, flywheel, AC comp, Radiator, hoses, harness, power steering pump, etc...

will update later when the car is back. next step is to fix all the worn bushing and fix the interior wiring. it has head unit, but only has one working speaker... poor dad...

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