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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

RICER FTW!!!! ^_^

PART 1: DIY/Custom AERO mirror

RICE MODE: ON... lol... supposedly aero dynamic mirror... supposedly Laughing (yeah right)

anyway... price is low, looks good... so i decided to get one...

but i dont like the fake CF pattern and the indicator on it... so i will paint the whole thing is RED or Black...

1. the fugly mirror

2. take the mirror of... pop it out with using screw driver slipped in the gap... be gentle... not to break the mirror... use common sense... Razz

3. pull them apart...

4. pull the built in indicator apart... i will reuse this someday.... but at this stage i wont need it... i only need the outer transparent plastic to fill the hole on the mirror casing back...

5. put the transparent plastic back in the mirror casing's hole and glue it on there...

6. here is the current look... and on the PART2 i will show how i want to make it all the same color... i will use some putty to cover the gap between the casing and the transparent plastic...
so for now PART 1 is just pulling them apart and remove all the LED wiring... btw, this mirror is fully motorize... although i am not sure how long the china made mirror motor gonna last huahaha

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