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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

DIY Smoked Tailight

*this might be illegal, so do it at ur own risk.... i've got another spare of tailight, so i can swap it back anytime...

* 1 can of 'Night Shade' tint
* 1 can of clear coat
* appropriate tools
* sand paper 180, 800, 1200, 2000
* masking tape

  1. remove your taillights... may be different on every car, so i wont discuss into detail here... please refer to your workshop manual... or just common sense... lol...

  2. mask the area that you dont want to be painted... and sand with 800grit...

  3. i cracked my tailight when im trying to take it off, so i fixed it with some plastic filler, sand it back, and im planning to paint matt black around that area to hide the flaw... so i mask that area off...

  4. then after i painted that area matt black, i masked them again, but remember to overlap... leave some bits unmasked... just hopefully you dont have to go thru this

  5. spray thin layer at the time of the night shade.... allow 1 minute drying time between each coats.... i did 3-4 thin coats... depending on your taste, you can go darker.... me, i'll go medium...

  6. after that, remove the masking of the matt black parts, and spray clear coat thru the whole surface... this will blend the matt black and nightshade together.... i sprayed 2 thick layers... or maybe 3 Razz

  7. heat gun is optional... dont burn the paint... i did it coz me and jase did the painting pass midnight and it was quite cold... u wont need this when its warm day...

  8. and now the bumper lights... repeat the same process for this...

finito! Razz

Unco / Jason... for staying up 2 nights and helping me sand... now ur gonna get used to moving that hand up and down... lol... thx man...

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