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Friday, May 12, 2006

PHASE1 - DIY dash mould gauge holder...

ok guys... here we go...

i bought the gauge pod for wrx... i chose that coz is the closest on to flat and its easier to mod and fit into our flat dash pieces....

so i make the pattern from cardbox and draw it to the mazda3 dash piece. and then cut it with dremel...

for the rounded edge, i cut on angle and mark the surface lightly with dremel... reason being, the dremel cant cut small curves coz of the size of the blade...

then i use hand saw with the finest teeth to cut according to the curve line... still abit rough....

then i sand the rough bit off.... i also sand the gauge holder for paint preparation.... if you see in the pics, i stick the gauge holder to mazda3 center piece.... i use epoxy glue... just temporary, coz im planning to put plastic bond on it later...

if you notice, at the back of the mazda3 dash piece, there are plenty of plastic bone structure... becareful when you cut them off.... dont cut too much or you will make the plastic very flimsy.... just cut what you need...

here is the view from the top...

and here is the test fist for the 52mm gauges... i bought oil temp, oil pressure and one ricer gauge (vacuum gauge) - its mean to go up and down as u throttle up or down... i actually only need the oil temp and oil press, but since i get one more space, it wouldnt hurt if i rice it up a bit...

tonight, i'll do the second post... the surface of both plastic are different, but it can be fixed tonight with plastic-bonding, sanding and painting... i want to make it look OEM as possible... ^_^ so wish me luck... hope doesnt look too ricey and tacky...

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