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Thursday, August 12, 2004

Painted Caliper + EBC Green Stuff pads

after months trying to find performance parts for mazda3 ended up with no luck, i begin to rice my ride... Razz

the easiest think to add your brake performance is to paint it red... (huehehehe just kidding)

i use VHT hi-temp caliper paint, around $10-15 from normal auto shop like autobarn, supercheap, etc...

1. take off the caliper
2. clean it with methylated spirit and brush (carefull not to damage any rubber parts...)
3. let it dry
4. mask any moving parts and flex pipe. (rubber seal, caliper piston)
5. start spraying the caliper with thin layer... do it bit by bit.... and leave it for half an hours before you start installing it back
6. voila!

oh also i install EBC green-stuff brake pads to balanced out the between rice and performance mod... :

anyway, thx again to visage to help me doing this and teach me alot of stuff...

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