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Saturday, February 21, 2009

battery wont charge. could be the alternator. then water leaks and bloody turbo civic :)

Another night out 

been extremely busy and been travelling... so havent really use my car for 2 weeks... then last wednesday i bring it out to meet my friends' sleeper civic who just recently got turboed... well... not so sleeper coz he havent paint the cooler black... 


sorry for the bad picture. didnt bring camera, so i used my shitty camera phone... 

when the car gone mental :S 

anyway, the next night, i saw my battery light on... so i thought the battery maybe low... so i drove around hoping that it will get charged... 
but in fact, the light become dimmer and dimmer... until at one stage my car just stall... so i think that wont be the battery... 

when i try starting the car again it would start... but then after a while i will ran out of puff again... so i think its running straight from the battery o_O 
i dont think the alternator is working... 

i confirmed by turning the car on once more, and pull the negative terminal. the car shut off... i read it in bimmer forum somewhere... which mean the alternator is not charging... i could be wrong here... but i ended up pushing my car with my bro for about 2km... LOL... lucky we almost home... 

removing the alternator 

i decided to pull the alternator out today. also my excuse to buy 2 jack stands and mini trolley jack that small enough to be a die cast model... lol... see green/grey box... Razz 

i started with removing the battery terminal and replacing the broken fuse... only found one broke fuse... 

and my humble servant, aka my little brother is being my cheap asian labour today... lol... thx bro 

first i had to loosen the belt tensioner. its the big 19mm bolt at the front... 

i can actually see the volt stabilizer, which is common fault on old E30. i will remove this after i remove the whole alternator just to be safe... i need to check them both anyway 

im surprised only 2 bolts holding the alternator. but this 2nd bolt is a bitch to reach.... also the AC compressor belt blocking it makes it harder to use ratchet... 

now the alternator is loose, but the pod filter and AFM is in the way... so im removing them both too... 

and 2 wire connector bolts behind the alternator 

now pulling the bitch out! >_< 

hmmm after careful inspections... i conclude that the alternator looks like... an alternator!?! Razz jk i have to get it checked coz i dont know how to check its conditions. 

spotting the voltage stabiliser. yes my eyes shoots red arrow... 

2 screw holding it in place being removed... 

hmmm the wear for both metal contact looks fine too me... i guess i have to get this and the alternator checked... 

inside the alternator, i checked the contact patch.... it seems the rear contact has showed some misalignment... see the lip has worn abit.... but this could be nothing... 

will continue this write up once i got the alternator back from the workshop. 

flooded Razz 
after recent rainy days, i might've left my car outside abit too long. i found some... ok... ALOT of water deposit in the left corner of the boot. 

(T__T) oh my... i can wash my car with that much water... 

soak it all with cloth... 

put it in little nice pink bucket Smile what a manly decision... 

will have to drill a hole there for the water drain LOL... but when jakarta is flooded again, i think water will enter from there... Sad i might still drill and put rubber grommet to close it...